Get Read from a FASTA in One Line
Unfortunately, getting a read from a FASTA file can be challenging for large files if you try to open it in text edit. Have you generated …
Easy Convert BAM to FASTA
How many times have you wished to extract the sequences from a BAM file so you could convert the BAM to a FASTA file? This happened …
Reverse Complement one line script
Finding the reverse complement for DNA is a pretty common task in bioinformatics. Below is a simple Python implementation of how the task can be accomplished. …
Easy GitHub Repository Tagging
Tagging a GitHub repository is pretty straightforward. Please see below how you can create the tag for the repo, push it to git, and delete eventually …
A Quick Way to Compare Files
Have you heard about filecmp and how to use it for a quick way to compare files in Python? Sometimes when writing a unit test in …
Simple Script for Shannon Entropy
This tutorial presents a Python implementation of the Shannon Entropy algorithm to compute Entropy on a DNA/Protein sequence.
Easy GitHub SSH Setup
GitHub SSH setup is one of the things that you do once every time you get a new computer or gain access to a new server. …
Easy Conversion FASTQ to FASTA
One of the most common tasks in bioinformatics data analysis is to convert a FASTQ file into FASTA. Unfortunately, some programs only accept input in FASTA …
How to Find the Length of the List in Python
This short article shows how to find the length of list in Python. The same function can be used to get the number of elements in …
Data Science Careers carving our professional paths
Data science (or part of any of the data science careers) applies statistical procedures ranging from data transformations, data modeling, statistical and machine learning modeling, and …